Luxury Best Replica Omega Seamaster Bullhead Rio 2014

It is public news that the Omega will be the official timekeeper of the approaching Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. In order to mark this partnership, the Villeret-based Swiss watchmaker has already released a few commemorative models. The latest among them is from the omega Seamaster collection and bears the name Bullhead Rio 2016. This novelty is based on one of the most iconic and collectable historical replica watches by the brand. This cherished Bullhead watch was initially launched around half a century ago. The fake Omega is now presenting a modernized version of this chronograph with a distinctive trapezoidal housing. Due to its Olympic heritage, the novelty bears appropriate inscriptions and details that point to its inspiration.
Omega’s newcomer has the word “Bullhead” in its name which is a reference to the characteristic non-normal shape of the watch’s case which is a bit wider in the upper end. Bullhead is not the original name of the model. To tell the truth, this was at first its nickname which was coined by collectors among whom the model has been very popular ever since it came out in 1969. Its origin is quite simple. Obviously, the housing was made in the shape that resembled the head of a bull.
The new version has the same distinctive overall styling as its archetype, but is naturally very different in several different aspects. First let us cover the traits that remained unchanged. Apart from the shape of the housing, we can notice the same type of pushers that are located on the top of the case around the unorthodoxly positioned crown. There is also an additional crown on the opposite part of the case which is used to turn its bidirectional inner bezel.
The key point is that the functions of the watch are unchanged. Both the original and its descendent are chronographs with two chrono sub-counters, of which the 30-minute one stands on the top of the dial. The other counter on the lower part of the dial is used for small seconds.
There are also a lot of changes which is quite expected, considering the “age difference” of these two pieces. Apart from the size which is once again unsurprising, considering the discrepancies in trends in two periods, there is also an important difference in the most important trait – the supported movement.
One of the most obvious Olympic-inspired traits is the color scheme of the piece which utilizes distinctive shades of the Olympic rings. The dominant color is blue which is used for the inner bezel that surrounds the clear white dial and the leather attachment of the piece, while red is used for the central chronograph hand. The colors of other replica omega rings are utilized for the numerals on the ring, as well as for the stitching on the strap with three rows of circular perforations.
